Anyone who doesn’t like Tupac is probably a Lil Xan fan. That being said, Governor Kim Reynolds likely an opp. The director of the Iowa Department of Human Services Jerry Foxhaven was a stan of Tupac to the point where he had ‘Pac-themed cookies to celebrate his 65th birthday. But according to KCCI, his fixture on the late rap star may have led to his resignation.

Jerry Foxhaven’s love for Tupac was deeper than most. In fact, it seems to be a large factor that played into the Governor of Iowa urging Foxhaven into resigning from his position. E-mails obtained by the Associated Press revealed that Foxhaven would regularly send messages to all 4,300 employees praising Tupac’s music. However, one person complained to lawmakers which resulted in Foxhaven being abruptly removed from his position as director.

Foxhaven’s actions were fairly innocuous and for the most part, it seemed like he essentially just wanted to brighten up the office culture. He would host “Tupac Fridays” where he’d play Pac’s music in the office. He also sent e-mails reminding everyone of Tupac’s death anniversary. However, when someone ratted him out to Gov. Kim Reynolds, she urged him to resign. That came only a day after he sent an e-mail to the whole agency, asking employees to play some of ‘Pac’s music over the weekend to commemorate the late rapper’s birthday.

Despite Gov. Reynolds urging him to resign, the governor’s office nor Foxhaven would confirm he resigned because of his obsession with Tupac.

“As the governor has said, a lot of factors contributed to the resignation of Jerry Foxhoven and now Gov. Reynolds is looking forward to taking DHS in a new direction,” said spokesman Pat Garrett.