Uncle Snoop is back at it, taking a trip to the dentist and getting his laugh on.

This morning, the legendary rapper checked in from the dentist’s office, getting his teeth cleaned, which he says is one of his favorite things in the world. We’re not sure if he was being sarcastic or not. Maybe he was actually telling the truth because, shortly after, he let the world know about his love for nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas, speaking about how much he adores it and eliciting tons of laughter from his faithful audience on Instagram.

“Well guys, I’m about to have one of my favorite things done to me,” said Snoop as he sat in the dentist’s chair. “Getting my teeth cleaned but before we start, I like nitrous. Because nitrous loves me! C’mon doc, give it to me. I love it. I want it. Nitrous. Give it to me. I’ll talk to y’all later.”

The dentist can be heard cracking up in the background before the camera cuts to Snoop receiving his fantastic dose of laughing gas. He breathes a sigh of relief and exhales, “Oh, what a day, what a day!”

Who knew that watching Snoop Dogg‘s trip to the dentist could be so amusing. We definitely need more content like this in our lives.