Famous Dex has seemingly been back to his old ways, concerning fans with his latest activity on social media. The 27-year-old rapper has not been having a strong run as of late, striking out with his music releases and getting shafted by the legal system after nineteen domestic violence and gun possession charges were handed down on him. At the beginning of this year, Dexter told fans he was entering a rehabilitation center for substance abuse. He got out a month later and seemed to be in good spirits, but his behavior quickly declined and now, he’s back sounding incoherent.

Previewing his latest single on Instagram and asking fans to leave positive comments if they want the full record, Famous Dex mumbled his way through the track and earned a bunch of remarks about it. However, contrary to what he asked for, all of the top comments are about how Dex needs to get the help he requires as people assume he’s back on drugs.

“Did the whole song on Xanax. Can y’all hear it in his voice,” said one fan. “This is the worst thing ive heard in a long time,” brutally said another. “We can’t keep doing this bro,” added one fan, reluctantly continuing to support the rapper.



This follows a video that went viral on social media of Famous Dex asking for hairstylists in Los Angeles, slurring his words and appearing to be pretty out of it.

Pray for Famous Dex. Watch the video above.

